Smoke detectors detect fires through smoke. When you don't see flames or smell smoke, the smoke detector already knows. It works non-stop, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, without interruption. Smoke detectors can be roughly divided into the initial stage, development stage, and attenuation extinguishing stage during the fire development process. So, do you know the working principle of the smoke detector that blocked the occurrence of a fire for us? The editor will answer for you.

The function of a smoke detector is to automatically send out a fire alarm signal during the initial smoke generation stage, in order to extinguish the fire before it becomes a disaster. The working principle of smoke detectors:
1. Fire prevention is achieved by monitoring the concentration of smoke. Ionic smoke sensing is used inside the smoke detector, which is an advanced technology, stable and reliable sensor. It is widely used in various fire alarm systems, and its performance is far superior to that of gas sensitive resistor type fire alarms.
2. The smoke detector has a radioactive source of americium 241 inside the internal and external ionization chambers. The positive and negative ions generated by ionization move towards the positive and negative electrodes under the action of an electric field. Under normal circumstances, the current and voltage of the inner and outer ionization chambers are stable. Once smoke escapes from the external ionization chamber, interfering with the normal movement of charged particles, the current and voltage will change, disrupting the balance between the internal and external ionization chambers. Therefore, the wireless transmitter sends a wireless alarm signal to notify the remote receiving host and transmit the alarm information.
3. Photoelectric smoke detectors are also point detectors. The working principle of photoelectric smoke detectors is to use the basic property that the smoke generated during a fire can change the propagation characteristics of light. Based on the absorption and scattering of light by smoke particles. Photoelectric smoke detectors are divided into two types: blackout type and astigmatic type. According to the different access methods and battery power supply methods, it can be divided into networked smoke detectors, independent smoke detectors, and wireless smoke detectors.
Post time: Apr-07-2023